Monday, July 28, 2008

flash box

Mom gotted a new Flash Box! It is smaller an more blacker than teh last one. So heer is some picsures frum it:

Heer is the Big Field. I, Roxie, who is a Horse Princess, rule this Big Field on week-enz. Yup. Mom sez when the roun-bales gets ree-movd frum the field behine the trees, the Big Field gets evun bigger! Hooray!

Heer is me bossin' Polo. This is a fun thing:

Mom lets all my Roxie waters out of the Tank of Watters an then she scrubbded it an maed it kleen and yummy tasty. An wen new kleen waters came in to the Tank of Waterz, it spraid out the otto-madick watterer an I had a Roxie Drinkin Fowntin! Yum!

It is fun to slurp on a fowntin.

So I is a teechur

I, Roxie, am teeching somone how to ride me!

This is Mat. ------------------>

Mat has not been on horse-bak so much an so I, Roxie, has been givin the Very Importent Jobb of teeching Mat how to sit propperly an turn me with rains and leg skweezes. This is a e-z jobb cuz I can purtend liek I don' know what to do. As long as I do not bukc or kick or be meen to Mat, I is a Good Girl. Mom sedd so. :) Mat must be in Mom's hooman herd cuz she treets him like I treet my boyfrend Rex. All flurty an stuff. 'Cept she seems to bite him on the mouf som times. I don' know whut that is but Mat seemd OK with this.

So I walks aroun the areena and dont shake my hedd or bite his foots or do anythin quick or bad. As I sed, somtimes I purrtend I don' know what to do and somtimes I reely dont know whut to do so then I stop an Mom sez some words and then Mat asks me agin to do stuff but this tiem it makes sence and then I do it and Mom is happy and Mat is happy an then I get to be Finnished and gets my saddul removd and gets grain foods.

I likes bein a teechur cuz ther is grain involvd.

This sadell is a diffrint one. I must write about it somtime.
Also, ther was a big fierr that day. Mom sayd it wuz not neer my horse house but it made the sky look funnie and smell somthin terribul.

Friday, July 18, 2008

Tack: Part Too in a Serees

So last tiem we dis-cussded my byootiful Roxie tack, we talkded about my Bob. Bob is Tree-less. But Bob is a wessturn saddul. This enterey we will talk about my englissh saddul, which is also a Tree-less.

This is my Answer. I kno this saddul is spelled correcktly b-cuz I look up this word in the Word Book. This saddul is calld a Answer an it is made withowt trees also, just like Bob, and it is SOOPER comfortubble. Ther is no pokeys anywher on me from this saddul an I can move and breethe an move my Roxie mussles an stuff liek that. It is a English saddul as i sed before an that usually meens when I, Roxie, is whering this saddul that I must do More Work, like such as trottin big trot steps an runnin around fasster and bendin my neck around and turning an stuff.

When i wher the wessturn Bob saddul I is alowwed to be more lazy-er. You may guess wich saddul i prefer.

Mom tells me the Answer is very expensive (I, Roxie, also lookded this "expensive" word up too for spellin correcly) an that I is a Horse Princess for gettin such a saddul. I liek the thot of this an of possiblee gettin a sparklie hat so I, Roxie, declarr my-self to be Horse Princess and rool over Polo and the Big Field.

But only on week-ends.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008


I has figgered out that Blogger is BAD with my flash box picsures. I has uploded a new one of me, Roxie, and Rood-mate Horse frum the last post an you can ackshully CLICK on it and embiggen it now!

I will try to make more picsures embiggenable thru-owt the day.

Luv, Roxie.

p.s.--Ackshully that is a lie. I will not be editin more picsures cuz I, Roxie, just disscoverd that wen I goes bak an makes picsures embiggenable, all preevius Roxie blog comments frum my reedership get lost. :( I likes comments so never mind.

Monday, July 7, 2008

I is sorry

I has been not-very-good at updaeting my Roxie blog. I aplogize for this. Mom, as you mebbe suspeckt, is my Roxie blog typer human. I have tryed to B the typer horse-person for my own Roxie blog but my Roxie hoovses, wile being very big and also very byootiful, are not so much sooted for typeing. I, Roxie, tryed typeing but the compooter don't work real good for real long affter I started try-ing so I just make Mom do it now. She has to do somthing to earn her keeps anyways. :-)
Anywayz, Mom cudn't type for my Roxie Blog cuz she went away to a place calld Sandy Eggo for a while. I don' know what is in Sandy Eggo but she com back with a hat and was booble-babbling like human persons do about some gaem wher grown-up mans hit a leetle ball with a stick and then I guess go runnin aroun in circles. Somthing like the soffball, from whut I can unnerstand. Sounds stoopid to me, Roxie.
But anyways agin, Mom left and it was grrrrrreat! I goed in the Big Field whare the grass foods are knee-deep with Roommate Horse and a meen red mare horse named Polo. Ackshully that is whut Mom calls her cuz I guess she is used for polo. This is an other gaem wher peeple hit balls with sticks and run around, but they do this on HORSES this time so this gaem must be bettur than the one Mom seen. Polo has a real naem but she will not tell us what it is because she is MEAN. So I pins my Roxie ears at her and I bosses her aroun! Hooray! And somtimes she gets too close to Roommate Horse an then I run at her and she runs away! Yay! I, Roxie, am finely TUFF.
Polo is mebbe mean b-cuz she has no mane hairs. Not even a forelox! I guess I wuld be meen too if I had no mane hairs and no Fly Mask. Roommate Horse gets a bloo Fly Mask and I has my Roxie foreloxie and Polo has nuthin. Oh well, this nuthin is whut she desurves. For bein a meeny meen mare horse.
What is sad is that I, Roxie, onley get to be in the Big Field on week-ends or wen Mom is in Sandy Eggos becuz . . . okay, I am not reelly shur why. Somthin about the Big Field’s fence. I herd Mom tellin some-one that I haev to be in my Roxie paddocksie during the week in caes I start thinkin about tessting the fence, whatever THAT meens. I, Roxie, de-side to solve this misstery so I asks Roommate Horse. She tells me a BAD bad bad story about a thing calld Bobwire an how it tryed to eet her once! It is a Non-visible Monnster that Roommate Horse culd hardlee discribe as she startded shaeking at the memmury of it. An Roommate Horse is not scared of ANY thing so this scares me, Roxie, too. The Big Field has this monnster all 'round it outside of the elektric white taep an I guess if I get out of the Big Field that this monnster is waiting to bite and eet me! And it will HURT! I don’t want hurting. :-( Nope nope nope. But I, Roxie, knows about this monnster now. SO I wish they wood just leeve me out in the Big Field, now that I knows about this beast monnster. I will not go thru the fences! There is no reeson to excape anyway cuz I has foods INSIDE the fences. But I guess they think I don’ know theese things so I haev to go back in the paddock and Roommate Horse gets to stay out ALL week. Hmmph.
I has no flash box pictures of Polo or the Big Field just yet. So heer is a picsure of me an Roommate Horse on a trail ride we went on yesserday. I aplologize that Someone Who Is Not Roxie is sticking her tung out at the flash box. Some horses can be SO ROOD.