This is Idaho Gem. He is a mule.

He is liek a pritty famous mule tho. He coms from a Universe-City, wher they MAEDE him in a room insted of him being maede by a girl horse like is normal. He is the first EVER that was maede. An he has a brother naemed Idaho Star who is the EXACT SAEME as him.
An he is a RAECING mule! I did not know mules culd raece. But this one duz, an so duz his brother who is exactly the same.
I don't relly get how you maeke a mule but the Universe people must be on top of that.
Heer is a article abowt when Gem was birthed, and heer is his Wikipedia entry.

Pritty cool!
What is evun more cooler is that I, Roxie, beeted him at pole bending. :) We wuz both just trotting but i trot more bigger.
I beat a raecing mule at a speed thing! Go Roxie!