Jassper's Mom Meegan took video films of me, Roxie, JOMPING fences!!! Hooray!
Click HEER for my first show jomping. Mom yells at me for my slowwy-ness in it. An ther is maybe some spanking.
Then click on HEER for my Roxie ex-cee. I jomps LOGS, an I runs up HILLS, an I spooks at WATERS, an I spooks at jomp peepul, an I trots thru the woods, but you don't get to see this. Oh an I GALLUP too! W00t!
Then clik HEER for yet an other show jomping. Thees fenses is SMALL but I liek this, big fenses looks hard. Jassper may jomp big fenses. I will stay with small Roxie size fenses. Plus small fenses means I donut need to change canner leeds. Or lissen to Mom left-leg kicks. So there.
I lerns so much at this place. Check this owt, I lerns that just becuz my pen is standing in a certin spot dusn't mean I cannot move it arownd for better grass-eeting.
I is a Smart Roxie.