Sunday, April 28, 2013

I is Roxie

And I is HOME.

Mom and Mom's Matt buys me a Happy Horse home. :)

Heer is like a photo jurnal me arriving an eating all the grasses I want.

:) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)

Saturday, April 13, 2013

Polo crossin'

Mom makes a Roxie do the weerdest things som times.

Like she makes me go get a saddul on evn though it is going to do RAINING.

At leest I gets to look at thees dogs.  I love a dogs.

An we goes and lerns a polo cross.

This is a game.  It is like polo, which is ware you chase a ball an your person hits it with a whacker.

Only in this game, your person picks the ball up with a racker.

An if your person is bad, like Mom is bad, then they hits the ball with there racker like it is polo.

I do not relly unnerstand this game.  Basically ther is rules about where you can an cannut go, an what you can do, an how you are SUPPOSE to bang into other horses.  Who ever herd of BANGING in to other horses! This is a dangerus game.

Ther is other rules too.  Like as soon as Mom picks up the ball, eether we runs off with it, wich is fun.  OR she tosses it back on the ground an we lose it.  I is like "WHUT ARE YOU DOING" and "THAT IS THE BALL YOU IS LOOSING" but Mom is un coordinayted.

They calls it polo cross becuz you get cross with your crummy rider person eventually.

Heer is videos.  Akshully, wait.  Heer is a video of what polo cross looks like when you is GOOD.

An then heer is videos of a Roxie trying so hard to be good at polo cross, but Flail Mom getting in the way.

Seriosly, it rains the WHOLE time.

This picsure is blurry cuz, RAIN onna lens.

Polo cross!

Tuesday, April 9, 2013


Som times SUCH good things comes from trailur rides.

Evun though you sucks up dust.

A lot of dust.

Really a lot of dust.

But FINELEE you get to a place that has ALL the grasses.

And you are time-limited but EVERY DAY you gets to go out and do . . .

wait for this . . .



Monday, April 1, 2013

Dis Appointment

Som times wen you try to explane a thing, it is easier to just do pictures of a thing.

Like I can EXPLANE disappointmint.  And Jelousy.

But really it is better if I just shows a picshure of me getting to do Roxie Naked Grazing, and all the other barn horses having to watch an not also get to do grazing.

Super sad and dis appointing day for everyone except for Roxie.