There is no indoor areena.
All outdoors. No indoors. |
This means lots of things for a Roxie.
Sum times, we go ride on freezy ground. Not slippey or icey, just very cold.
Brrz |
Heer is one that I go to. For dressagey things.
Heer is another one. I do dressagey stuff and side-ways things here too.
Heer is Trixie doing works in another one. She gets all Snotty Pony about this:
"Hhmph!" |
Heer is yet another areena. I IS allowed to jomp these jomps:
This one is a cool place. There is lots of peopel here an they ALL loves on me and feeds me treets and says I is the best horse. :]
Also. This plaece has a hot walker.
And also, I gets my verry own Boots The Cat.
*heart* |