Heer is me carrying Mom's bruther from a wile back:
Or liek you will be the Pony Horse bc you are a leader:
It is good to be trusty.
So becuz of this. I is Sweet Potato's leader horse on her first trail expedishun. We just goes down the rode, but she is all looky and boogle eyed at all the peeple and cars and sheeps and other horses and mail boxes and dogs and powerbox things and culvurts and that one guy who was shooting a gun, so it is good for me to be there.
Especially when this shaggy monnster-thing comes gallumphing over. Mom hadn't got on yet, which was good becuz Potater was all Whirlsnort Hightail.
But she did good! Becuz I is Roxie an I is a good example.