That wuz me in my Roxie trailur eeting hay foods.
Heer is me som more. In my trailur. I refoosed to scootch my Roxie butt into the cornur as i em trying to convinse Mom to have the front spaece of the trailur embiggened.

Trainer Woman sed lots and lots of "YES!" and "BYOOTIFUL CANNER!" and she sed i is such a Cute Girl and a Good Girl. And i WUZ a Good Girl and i em lerning that Scary Door isn't reelly so Scary.
What IS Scary is that one of the areena mirrirs is busted. I di'int spook at this but I did heer that it is cuz there is a draft cross like me who is NOT a Good Girl an when Trainer Woman and Dressage Cowboy Guy tryd to put a saddul on her, she goed CRAZY and ran arownd bucking and bucking and bukcing and freeking out an she JUMPED into the mirrir. Who JUMPS in to a mirrir? Not me, i ashure you.
I, Roxie, was unaware that ther is CRAZY horses of this level in the wurlds.
Which maekes me feel evun better about being such a Good Girl.
I em pleesed to report that i got Hay foods in the trailur and Grain Foods when i returned to my horse house. Oh, but i am not pleesed to report that i am in Horse Prison, with a electrick fence that bites hard. :( All b-cuz i excaped to see Rex agin.
Mom did get new improoved grain foods. Mebbe i shuld write about this.