So som horeses go thru Terruble Toos, wen they are too. an some go thru the Terruble Threes, wen they are three. But I is in Terruble FIVES.
Here is whut happinned.
I red on
Imperial Horse's blog that ther is Terruble Fives, an I thot that cuz i am Five, mebbe it is my time to be Terruble. So i did! I tryed all the stuffs that Maximus sugjests, like "leg yeelding" and jumping arownd an beeing a jerk. Onlee I, Roxie, finds a REESON to act this way!
Som one got brushded in the areena an ther was grey horse hairs everhwere. So i dee-sides these hairs are HOT and BITEY an i must not get neer them or they will eet me! I wuld walk up to them an then stop and i wuld NOT go any farther! Cuz the hairs is hot and bitey, you see. This maekes Mom holler, an kick, and crop-whap me a lot. I mean a LOT. So i wuld back up. So Mom maede me back up and up an up an then i stepped on my own tail hairs an i ripped som of them out too. An then i would not go neer THOSE either! Ha ha ha. Hairs are EEVIL!
So what happins from this corse of ackshun is that i hadda trot and canner in circles oevr the hairs, lots of tiemes, both direckshions.
I did it ugly tho, liek with my head in the air an i wuddnt look at the hairs. So I, Roxie, kind of win as a matter of fackt.