Oh, fine. I will gets up.

Let's go!
I hadda sooper-smart plan wher i was not going to get in the trailur. But this plan got foiled wen Mom had a purse full uv carrots. An wen Hay Lady pushed on my Roxie buttocksie.

So i goed to the park! Woot! Ther wuz a lot of bugs. Bugs annoy me, Roxie.

Can you all see thees bugs!?

An they pritty much ig-nord the Stinky Spray that Mom putded on me.
O wells.
So heer is my traveling companions. Ed an Shannin. Shannin has a horse named Faith an Ed has a horse namd Gin-jer. Here is Shannin an Faith:

An heer is Ed an Gin-jer:

I, Roxie, wuz LEED HORSE!! I has never ever been Leed Horse before. An I was FAST, an i was trying to TROT the hole time! Mom wuz reel happy an proud altho i guess it meens i am not allowd to take new rider peeple on the trael any more. But this is okey, i just like trotting all uvva sudden.
Mom took picsures with the Flash Box while she was riding:

That fense blocks off a shooting range. No one was shooting, tho.

It were nice.
Then i goed back to the Big Field at home. It taked a while cuz Gin-jer was a Gin-jerk abowt getting back in her trailur. But then she got in, so i could get in MY trailur an go to my Horse House. Yup.
Heer is evryone waiting for me to com back in the field. I is grazing tho, cuz the grass is always greener on the other side of the Big Field fense.

An then i goed back in an greeted my NEW man frend. This is Moe. He is a roan, like me! But this is because he is a Appyloosa. Roommate Horse wanted Rex an so he can HAVE her. He will regret that, i ashure you. She is MEEN.

Arent we kyoot??