Saturday, December 19, 2009


So this is a weerd tiem of year. This Crissmiss time is a time wen evryone gives each other presents and sez nice things to them. Oh and somtimes thees presents coms to your Roxie stall in a stalking.

See, this is a stalking. The fat guy who is picshured on my Roxie stalking coms to your stall an brings you peppurmints and candy canes an other treets! He knows where I, Roxie, lives, because he stalks me. This is why it is called a stalking. Yup.

Marry Crissmiss!


Funder said...


Have your mom bring you some tangerines or oranges to try, too. Human stalkings usually have them, and Dixie loves them!

Anonymous said...

Merry Christmas Rockin' Roxie!

Albigears said...

Maybe your stalking is for stalks of celery. Or wheat. Or corn. Or flax. Lots of good stalks.

Once Upon an Equine said...

Roxie, yer very smart. Thank you for splaining about the fat guy and why he stalks all the good horses like yerself. I hope yer stalking gets filled with yer favorite treets.

Cactus Jack Splash said...

Have a merry Christmas Roxie. We get our treat tubs filled with our favorite special treats at Christmas time, no stalkings here.

Maximus said...

I got peppermint dinner for Christmas too! And Mom didn't take embarrassing pictures of me either!