This one is so weerd tho.
First off I is SOUND ASLEEPS an I suspeckt Mom is coming to grab me. So I walk as FAR AWAY as I can, becuz I do not want to go, but she gets me anyway. :(
I is Rox-ZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzZZZZZZZ |
An then we stops! And I heer people talking so I is like "Sweet, we is here now! Where is heer!?" so anyways. I gets out of my trailur an we is in a parking lot in a dusty place and there is tires and work mens everywhere.
And they is all "WHOA that horse is a GIANT HORSE an no WONDER your truck has trubbles!" An Mom makes like MURDER FACE at these mens.
An then my truck an trailur drives off. An Mom an I is in this parking lot, hanging out like, huh. I trys my Roxie best to figure this out but i do not see any oppurtunity to wear a saddul or do works or anything so I is like "Well, let us go eet grasses!" so we did.
I got to go to these tank things! And I got to do SNOOOOOORTS at them to intimidate them! |
So they do some stuff an say som things and Mom calls her Matt. And then we un hook my trock from my trailur, an it goes away. And then we eats more grasses!
There is not much in the way of good grasses so heer is me staring atta road. |
Oh an then a nice Sheriff man coms by an he is all "Are you guys lost?" An he says nice things about my bigness an my Roxie feets. :)
So evenshually I eets all the grasses. So we hang out in the parking lot.
Resting a foot. |
Resting a foot vershun 2 point oh |
And then I gets to com back out of my trailur and I is back home! Hooray!
I think perr haps this is not what was plannded for this Advencher but I will still refer to it as one.
It started to rain as Mom took this picture of a Roxie. I tells you, this is a weerd day. |