Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Advenchers! Part One.

I gets to have Roxie Advenchers lately!

First there is one where i goes in my trailer. An we go down the rode, but not real far. Then I gets out an I reemember this place! I lived here for a little bit, this one time.

Heer is my truck and Roxie Trailur.

Heer is how I rubs my lether Roxie haltur around in the trailer! It is much prittier now!

Heer is where I stands to get my Roxie saddul on.

And then i gets to go an do Roxie Jomping! Heer are these jomps.

These is pritty big, so I jomps them extra good.

Then I is all done! And Mom is all "GOOD GIRL!" 

Heer is me onna Hot Walker. This is a thing wher it makes you Walker until you is no longer Hot. I is like "LET ME STOP ALREDDAY!" an Mom is all mean and "NO!"

But this is OK cuz then i gets GRASSES.

And I gets to meet a BARREL 

And then there is this CAT!

This cat is my new best frend! His Cat Name is "Boots" an he does not care abowt ANYTHING. He is not even scared of my Roxie bigness! He lets me nuzzle on him and love him! He rubs all over my Roxie nose! I love Boots the Cat! 

See? He duzint care.

So anyways. This was a fun day but this is mostly beecause of the Cat. The Cat named Boots who lets me nuzzle and snuffle him with my whole Roxie face.  


Alison said...

Those are some pritty jomps! Just what is needed for a Roxie.

I think you need to ask Mom if you can get your own Boots. A barn just isn't a home without a barn cat, right?

Lauren @ She Moved To Texas said...

Maybe you need your own cat Roxie!

EvenSong said...

I'm thinkin' maybe I know one of your upcoming advenchers...

Roxie said...

Oh that is a GRATE ideeuh! I needs a Roxie Cat.
I has an Occaysional Cat that coms by. He is white an he will not let me neer him for snufflins.