There is snow onna ground at my horse house.
This fact does not pervent a Mom frum riding me any ways.
We goes over rail rode ties.
And we works on going side ways.
Here is a good exampel of me being soooooooooooooo Roxie cute! And Trixie looking like she is bad and domb.
And here is me halping Mom get the mail, when the nice mail bringer lady drives up.
I hope Mom appreshiates all this stuff I does for her.
We donot just work in the snow tho. I goes on lots of trailur rides to places where I can be rided indoors.
At this perticular lesson, we is standing around an discussing how som times horses does not want to go where humins wants them to go. Like such as going into trailurs. Little Trixie has deecided she does not go into trailurs any more, at leest not the first like 500 tries anyway.
This. For 2+ hours. |
Gena the trainer laydee says "well all my horses is SO so good to leed, that i could bring them into my human house I bet." And Mom pipes up as says "well you could take Roxie in there too" an I is so proud an happie that Mom thinks so highly of my Roxie obediense.
Then Mom says, "well, i mean. Roxie would TRY to go in your house. But she'd probly get stuck in your door."
Som one tell Mom it is not verry nice to make fun of my Roxie roundness.