Thursday, November 30, 2023

Proper clothing fit

There is multiple rides this year whence the right size of Roxie cooler dosen't make it to the trailur somehow. And then I gets rained on.

And this is how I end up wearing much too small of clothing.

This is quite embaressing to me.

That one is Potato's; this is just shame-full.

If anyone has seen my Roxie cooler, please notify me as to its whereabouts.


Tuesday, October 17, 2023

Oh yeah a hoof update

I gess I should menshun. My hoof chunk thing has a plan for resolution.

This plan is a big ol' shoe

Ok that is all.

Sunday, October 15, 2023

Rain less

Just wanted to check ✅ in and let you all know. 

Roxies is so good, we may be rided without rains.

That is to say, rain less.

That is all.

Tuesday, July 18, 2023


I figures out the best way to get the whole summer off wen this summer is so hot and gross and you don't wanna make Roxie swett.

You bost a big ol' chunk off your hind foot!

This has brilliant. I is not sore or owwie but Mom is all "AAAAAHHHHHHH NOOOOOOOOOO" and then you gets time off!


Friday, June 9, 2023

A big scarey

So as you know. I does a lot of Roxie Trael Time. 

I enjoy this. It is eesy walking and ther is cool stuff to look at.

Potato comes with me som times too

Cool stuff to look at is like rocks and stomps and flowers and amimals. Amimals is the best; I gets a treet for the spotting of deers and chippymunks and other things. Or even weird birds, i is good at finding critters and these critters doesn't bother a Roxie.

Unless it is this one.


No thanks I'm not in the mood to ponder a squirrel with a hand gremade.


Thursday, May 4, 2023

Now available

Roxie hairs. Now in cake form.

These are prodused by i, Roxie, and is fully endorsed by same.

Get them wile supplies last.

You haul.

Monday, April 24, 2023

Dentist day

This week we has dentist day.

This is when the veternary man comes and makes you sleepy and buzzes your teef and then you stops chompin the insides of your cheeks and what not 

My veternary man is a lady but this does not matter. I still tries to quiet quit this process.

It does not sucseed tho.

I still gets buzzed.

At leest my fellow horses must also go thru this.

Welcome to the world, little Ivy! It's no picnic.

The biggest problem with this visit is that veternary manlady says i has way too much fatness. 

I disagree but. Still a diet and exsersize regime has been instituted for me.


Saturday, March 18, 2023


Jelosy is such a ugly consept.

I, Roxie, seldom has a jelos. Only maybe if i see someone getting graim foods and i is not also receeving these.

So i does not do jelosy. But as you may imagine. My Roxie Greatness may provoke this in others.

Like when i gets a massahge and my small Potato neighbor gets this jelos feeling even tho she has gotten her pony rubbin already on this day.


Friday, March 10, 2023

Hella copper encounter

Any of you who has followed my greatness and advenchers for some time will recolleckt that i is the smartest and i enjoy using my prestigious braim to observe my world. 

One of my favrite things to observe is the flying machines.

Except for the occasional weirdness with mens in grumbly parachutes, i enjoy seeing plames and hella coppers. 

But there is an incident recently that shows me that hella coppers are nothing to mess around with. 

They are QUITE LOUD when they get near your horse house and they certinly can move a lot of air.

This is all very over whelming when you is a Roxie.


There is a video too but videos is too hard to put on a innernet.

Tuesday, March 7, 2023

Appyloosa time

. . . Is what it is when winter keeps makin snows.

You get to practice your Appyloosa costume.

Friday, February 3, 2023

My kid Halo and me

My kid Halo and me is both the prittiest.

Deal with it. 😘

Monday, January 9, 2023


So i goes to a indoor areema to practise my greatness. 

I has never been to this place before. And i haete this place. There is rain on the roofs and a bunch of scaries inside. 

Enjoy these pics of things that are scarie. If you scare easily, you may wish to stop reeding here.

Tractor! SCAREY

This door is also maybe up to no good 

TWO mounty blocks? A tarp?! A JUMP MY MOM MADE?!?!?!


Oh wait this one is Ivy's, we good 

Spectators who all says I is so big and gorgess, i suppose this is OK.


Jump rails noooooooooo

Jump misallaneous, this is very suspish 

And then my child Halo gets rode also and i has to wait around for this to complete.

UGH this is SO BOREDOM can we just LEAVE alreddy

I hope you have enjoyed this Tour of Terror.

Tuesday, January 3, 2023


So as you all know. I is a multi talent creature.

But i bets you donut even know just how talent.

Like for example. I bets no one of you knows that i, Roxie, knows how to do karatie. Karatie is a anchient asian thing where you wack stuff with your feets until it breaks. So acshully lots of horses can do karatie but usually not as smartly as me.

So here is a example.

Two weeks ago at my Roxie house there is a big freeze. My Roxie waterer freezes up. Mom is like "grf winter bad" and gets me a heated bucket to drink out of in my stall. But i prefer my cold Roxie outside water. So i fixes the frozen part. With karatie.

So see how the back side of this waterer is froze over and snowwy. My side was like this until the big karatie chopping i dishes out.

I booshes through this much ice.


And mom is all O_O and "damn Roxie you so wise" and I'm all "yup yup."

Karatie. Do it.