Ooh, gess whut?? I DID see Mom this week-end. She digged a path for to reech us in the Horse House. An then Hay Lady drived up in a big yello thing an she moved lots an lots of snow and now i can go play in the areena an eet som grain foods. Hooray!
Funder is in-structing me to say six randum things abowt me, Roxie. So heer i go:

1) Wen i is a baybee horse i HAETED peppermint horse treets. Haet haet haet. Mom wuld put them in my grain foods an i wuld SPIT them back in the pan cuz i haeted them!! Altho now that i am growed up i think peppermint treets are pretty cool.

2) I, unlike most drafty horses, has a GRATE BIG TAIL. yes i do. It drags on the grownd and it is curly an beyootiful. Mom has to use d-tangler on it a lot an brush and brush and brush it somtimes. Lucky I, Roxie, is a payshent sort of horse.

3) I is a rescue frum a feedlot! Ther is lots of nice horses on feedlots--I, Roxie, is proof of this. An so i must give props and thanks an stuff to Kerrie, my First Human Mom, for seeing my potenshul. Edited to add: This picsure is NOT a picsure of Kerrie.

4) I wish Mom would let me haev long hair. :-( I is bored of my roach. Altho i hasnt been roachded in a while so maybe this is somthing.

5) I wuld like to try pulling a wheel cart at som point. I think I, Roxie, wuld ex-cell at this.

6) Somtimes when Mom is groomin me i will look at her like, "Hay, give me that brush." An she will hand me the brush an i will nom nom nom on it an it is fun. An then i will drop it, an i cant pick it back up cuz i is in cross-ties, an so i will purtend like i did not want the dumb brush anyways. Hee.