Tuesday, April 21, 2009


Did you guys know that it is possibul to go on trael rides all by your own Roxie self?
I did not know this.
Ther is traels behind the barn an i has been exploring them. I haev been allowing Mom to ride along cuz she givved me grain foods and Good Girls an so i forgivved her for the vet laydee and the violayshuns of my Roxie mouf. We horses is purty likelee to forgive. We is good at it. But we do NOT forgit! >:(
Anyhoo, yeah. Ther is a rode, and i walks down it. And ther is a field, and i walks in it. An i think ther is trees too but i hasn't gone ther yet. Mom dusn't haev too much tiem latelee.
Whut is "moving?" An why duz it make humin backs hurt?

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Ther was this thing, an I hadda go stand in it, an I got sticked, and then I got sleepy.

Until they startded in with the nose tubes. >:(
I think ther was a buzzy thing in my Roxie mouf too but I don't relly rememmer.

I haete Mom. This is her falt. and she isn't relly my mom anyways. My mom is a HORSE. an my real mom wuldn't do this stuffs to me, Roxie.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009


I, Roxie, haete wen you think you can trust a persin, exspecially your own persin, an they let you down.
I will explane later.

Monday, April 6, 2009


I getted rided yesserday an i did everthing Mom asked! Yup. I evun went frum a walk to a CANNER!! I didn't knoe that I, Roxie, could do that. I mean, I know I can go frum a canner to a walk, that is my FAVORIT thing! Somtimes I will be cannering an I will lissen for Mom to ask me to walk, an she will sit back and down a liddle an I will walk. Somtimes she sez to walk real suttle-like tho, like she will breathe owt and I will be like, "WALKING!" an I will, reel fast, stop cannering an I will walk. Somtimes Mom is not reddy for this an she is liek "OOF!" an then she will complane like she didn't ask me, Roxie, to do it. But I know better. Cuz I am the smartest horse too.
Altho i must menshun that my reward for being SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO GOOD was to get my muddie legs an bellie hosed off. I HAETE the water hose an I do the Carousel Horse arown Mom the whole tiem it is happening.
Anyways, after being SOOOOOOOOOOOO GOOD I getted to go in the Big Field! Hooray, i did fergit about this!
Rex my boyfrend was out there too. Heer is me flurting.

An heer is me playing hard to get!

Ha ha ha.
Marvy found a skinnie horse to be her boyfrend so this is good, i don't havta share.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009


In case any persins wanted a update on my Roxie maene, here we go.

Heer is the off side:

an the neer side:

These wuz taeken abowt a week ago an i am happie to report that I, Roxie, has not sheddid a SINGLE HAIR yet! I luvs my Fashion Coat!