This is a good day.
This morning Mom is all "Roxie I is going to ride you" and I is all "No huh, it is my Birthday. I gets to do what I want." So Mom is all "Oh yeah, I will maek you a Roxie treet cake an brush your Roxie tail out and trim your bridel path an let you do whut EVER you want!"
So heer is what is for my burthday.
I gets a PEDDACURE! With foot paints an JEWWLS!
An I get all kinds of Roxie treets.
An i gets to do what I always want to do--NEKKID GRAEZING!

An I gets a BOW in my Roxie forelocksie! A PINK bow!
An I gets a new pink Roxie currie brush! Mom forgets a picsure of this tho.

An I duz MORE nekkid graezing! Yup!

An I gets a BOW in my Roxie forelocksie! A PINK bow!
An I gets a new pink Roxie currie brush! Mom forgets a picsure of this tho.
An I duz MORE nekkid graezing! Yup!
An Mom draws an art portrit of me.
An i gets a Roxie Treet Cake with SEVVIN ginger snaps. Cuz I is sevvin. Ther is a brown shugar cone thing in the middel too.
Happie Burthday to me! Roxieeeeeee!
happy birthday roxie! you are the hottest birthday girl in town :D
your birthday cake looks so so yum!
Happy Birthday, Horse Princess Roxie!!!
Roxie, my birthday was yesterday. You're a Taurus too. That explains a lot.
Happy Birthday Roxie!
Happy Birthday Roxie!
Happy Burfday, Roxie! Love the pink bow and all the sparlkies! My burfday was Sunday, but my negligent mommy forgot about it (and made me work on Saturday!). :-( Now that you reminded her, maybe I'll get gingersnaps, too!
Hey there, Roxie. Congrats on your Birthday. Doc and I are very jealous. I don't think our Mrs. Owner knows what a birthday is. She's never done anything special like that. Can we come live with you? - Lots of Love, Pippin
happy birthday Roxie!!
Happy birthday, Roxie. I would love to meet a beautiful girl like you but I live in Virginia and am a gelding:(
Happy Birthday Roxie!
Yes, indeed, Roxie! You are the greatest birthday girl ever, and you are a wonderful Roxie. Thanks for telling us about your days.
Happy Burfday Roxie!
Boy are you OLD!
--Smokey, who is six, barely
Nuh uh! I is YUNG an BEEYOUTIFUL!!
Sorry its late Roxie, but happy birthday. You a little star and we all love you xxxxxxx
Happy Birthday Roxie! Your sparkly feet and pink bow are almost as beautiful as you are!
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