Oh Roxie! You look LOVELY and very forward! I especially like the "crazy hair" picture, not because of the hair, but because you've got both your knees up and almost together. The problem with those little low jumps is that it's easy to be a little lazy and just sorta lope over them, instead of getting your front feet up nice and high--which is a good habit to get into for when you get to bigger jumps. You don't want to trip over a "hanging" hoof! I don't want to seem too critical, tho, because you've come such a long way, Baby! You look just great!
BAD Horse and I didn't click. It turns out I can't stand when horses who are old enough to know better run the fence for a week straight screaming for their mommy when you dare to separate them. Even out on 10 acres of irrigated pasture with 6 other horses, he wouldn't get more than 50 feet from Roxie's paddock. And god forbid if i tried to take her out for a ride. He made my decision really easy when he tried to kick his way through the fence to get to Roxie and he scraped himself up. Superficial, but maddening. The happiest day of my life so far has been sending him off to be sold. Mistakes. I make them. :)
Oh Roxie! You look LOVELY and very forward! I especially like the "crazy hair" picture, not because of the hair, but because you've got both your knees up and almost together. The problem with those little low jumps is that it's easy to be a little lazy and just sorta lope over them, instead of getting your front feet up nice and high--which is a good habit to get into for when you get to bigger jumps. You don't want to trip over a "hanging" hoof!
I don't want to seem too critical, tho, because you've come such a long way, Baby! You look just great!
Nice picture, Roxie. I embiggened most of them, happy happy expression. That's a great day!
Very pretty Roxie!
Roxie with her beautiful foreloxie and fanciful fetloxies.
You are so wonderful, Roxie! Tel your mom thanks for sharing all your lovely work with us!
Will the horse your mom bought you start a blog, too?
Awesome! Awesome. Jealous. Tell your mom to call in sick and come horse camping with us.
How's your BF, Roxie girl? You are looking fine!
Yes, when will your pet horse start a blog? You will teach him?
BAD Horse and I didn't click. It turns out I can't stand when horses who are old enough to know better run the fence for a week straight screaming for their mommy when you dare to separate them. Even out on 10 acres of irrigated pasture with 6 other horses, he wouldn't get more than 50 feet from Roxie's paddock. And god forbid if i tried to take her out for a ride.
He made my decision really easy when he tried to kick his way through the fence to get to Roxie and he scraped himself up. Superficial, but maddening. The happiest day of my life so far has been sending him off to be sold.
Mistakes. I make them. :)
Impressive pictures. And you have such a way with words Roxie. Your own Roxie language. "Embiggin" That's a good one!
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