This is me karatee chopping a fense an BREAKING it! Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha.
This is in Mom's an Mom's Matt's big back yard feeld.
Mom desides I needs more Roxie room to do turning an gallops so she brings me heer to jomp things.
I does grate an I is a Very Good Girl, exsept for the afore menshunned fence chopping.
Heer is a video of me being excellent.
Heer is an even more excellent video. Mom's Matt sets this one to a punk rock song. :)
Let's go!
Let's go!
Heer is more picshures.
Funny things happun from this "going to Mom's house" occurrence.
I gets to eet lawn grasses. Mom's Matt is all "Grrr Roxie is maeking Horse Holes in my lawn!"
An mom's cats sees me thru a window and one of them gets SO SCARED that she runs thru the Human House and sprays CAT PEES everywhere! BAD stupid cat!
Things like this is why horses is a best pets to have.