Saturday, February 11, 2017

Instant Gram

So ther is a thing on the innernet that is a Insty Gram. It's like this Roxie blog exsept for it is just picsures. Oh and hash things. But this is all sort of cool because of like you can clik on a hash-thing and it takes you to whole gobs of picsures that are of the thing you were wanting to see.

This is a long way of sayin that I also has a Insty Gram. I think you serch by my Roxie name? But appurently there was already some false Roxie Horse so now you must serch for "Roxie.Horsepower."

Mayhaps I can provide this.

Hold on.

well here ya go: 

Go there and see more Roxie with more freequincy. My blog typer Mom hooman is bad at Blog but might be better at mobil phone pic snappin and insty-grammin and hash-thingin.

There will still be bloggin. But who knows how offen that is going to happen, reely.


kaity said...

Excited to see you on Instagram, Roxie!

Anonymous said...

Yay Roxie is on Instagram!!