Mom coms to our Horse House one day and is all "Hey Roxie an Bluey, you guys get lunches now." We is all a collecktive "HOORAY!!!" until Mom serves us this lunch. It coms in a tiny hay net. Like, the net is normul size. But the Hay Holes is tiney.
I is like "WHUT."

Bluey doz not mind. As these Hay Holes is Tiny Bluey Size.

She is all "Happie!" :D
I eets lunch hays frum this net. But I shows my disdain! It taekes a cuple of Roxie weeks but I TEARS the Hay Net from the wall an i THROWS IT ON THE GROWND!

Not gilty.
Mom re installs my net tho. Which is good cuz I needs Extra Roxie Lunches during a snow storm such as we have.
Check it, I is a reel appy-loosa with a snow-buttocksie blankit.
Smokey here. I hate my hay bag and I tore a hole in it once. But I was in the trailer and got my leg stuck in it and had to ride home like that, you know, on three legs, till mom saw it.
So don't do that.
You are the 99%. You show her - she can't treat you that way. Big lunch or no lunch!
Boy Roxie, that does seem mean. And you are at unfair advantage since you are larger than that tiny blue horse. I'd tear that hay back right back down.
Hahaha! "Big lunch or no lunch." Yeah, I don't even bother with such things. I know my goobers would think it great fun to destroy them.
Appy-loosa. Teehee! You're too big, but you could be a Sugarbush Draft Horse :-)
This is a conspiracy. I have to eat my hay out of holes too!...Misty
Reddums here. If you get your mum to serve you lunch in a "slow feeder" instead of a haynet, then you can tip it over with your nose and knock all the hay on the ground. It's much easier to eat that way.
Pippin here, I learned how to slam my mouth into the hay net and grab a goodly sized bite of hay. I can polish off the hay in the net almost as fast as I can get it when it is loose. I make a lot of noise... all that slamming makes the boards in the stall rattle!
Whats with the new designer hay bag, and my Porta Grazer barrel I've got to pluck hay bites from?
I mean its Lunch...gotta get that in us quick so we horses can be rested up for dinner hay and all!
Well it is good to no that I is not alone in my Roxie Lunch struggel.
Hilar! Laz likes his new hay net too but hasn't ripped off wall yet. Roxie I think u and Blue are shoeless so eating off ground would be safe :) Although maybe not so safe for wear/tear of net ;)
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