So Mom is like "Let us go see if you has a laeme." So she takes me to a rownd pen an I is in-spierd so I is like "ATHLETIC!" and "AIRS ABOVE A GROWND" which if you donot know, meens you jomp up and down and be all like "BOING BOING BOING." Oh and you may also buck in place. Mom decides I do not has a laemeness but I has to ware a Roxie Ice Pax evry day any way.

Veternary Man coms to see me, Roxie, also.

Veternary Man is a person who I rememmer from last time, he does POKINGS and YANKINGS and TRODDINGS. So this time, i sees him and his Veternary Equipmint and I is all like "No. Nervus." but relly he is OK this time. He just squirts a bunch of goop-stuff on my leg and feels it with a Roxie Leg Feeler Thingie. This has happened before also, so I chills out.

He tells Mom there is NOTHING wrong with me! Hooray! He says per-haps a kick incident has happened to my Roxie leg (and that mebbe my constant buttock-biting of Tiny Bloo Horse may have pervoked this), but that my Uhspensory Liggimint is a-ok fine. And I is like "OK, sweet."
And then Mom is all "We go back to WORK now, Roxie!" and now I is not shure how I feels abowt all this soundness any more.

I is also not shure how i feels abowt this Unfashunable Roxie Leg Shave Job.
Good healthy ending to seeing the vet man again Roxie!! You did good!
HA! My human veri woird says- "rembers"...that what Roxie did as she saw the vet man!
I'm glad your mom at least had some fashionable ice pack wrappers. It's good to know that you are all ok, and I enjoyed seeing all your beauteous curvey curves and sturdy Roxie feet in the photos.
I'm sorry you lost some of your Roxie fashion fuzz, but think of it as a way to show off those lovely legs!
I'm glad to hear your leg is okay, even though you have to go back to work now....
Glad to hear you are OK. That 'guy who smells kinda funny' can be one scary dude! I, for one, don't like some of the things he does to me! -Pippin
I have bestowed on you the Beautiful Blogger Award. Please visit the Grey Horse blog for details.
Whew Roxie..glad u are A ok. Maybe you should like your Bloo horse instead of being so jealous. Pretty girls dont get jealous :) lol
Love the Boing Boing Boing. Very athletic indeed. Glad you are ok!
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