Wednesday, November 21, 2018


For some reeson, mommish is all "Hay Roxie. My frend Sara is sad so you need to allow her to ride you at a Horse Show." And i is all "Boss, horse shows is how i demunstrate my greatness." 

And so I do. 

I'm back, baby.

I goes to a sport horse eventer place and I do my skills.

There is dressahje. 

And also there is jomping. Heer is a link that shuld work:

I is kinda all loooky for mommish but she is off on a Potato somewhere so i calls for Potato and Potato is all "AAAHHHHH HEER I AM HALP ME" and wuld keep panickscreaming for me and this is fun so I keep calling just to send her into the horse rafters. And, this works well and is funnie to me. Less funnie to mommish. But who cares. This is my revenge for having to have a babbo.

So now we is even.

Anyways. I is still not in fighting shape and is having a hard time cannering. But Sara rides me excellently and the jomp part is very very small so it is Okay and also there is a bloo ribbon!

Oh and also. Everyone loves me here and is asking about me and telling me i is byootiful and wonderfull. 

Eventer people is so nice! And Sara is happie. So Mommish is happie also.


T said...

I love this. Roxie is a superstar :)

Tucson Truby said...

Yay! Good job jomping and helping your friends be happy! What a good Roxie :)
I especially like how you had fun with Potato pony. That's the best part.

kbryan said...

Roxie's skilz are so outstanding! She is in a league of her own. It is a pleasure watching her float over those jomps, and Sara did good too! Potato pony is so lucky to have a friend (in Potato's mind) like you!